Please fill in the profile form below. Print out this form and mail it with your registration and fee.We will review all the forms to ensure that all dogs attending are suitable for the training. We do want to be able to accommodate as many of your dogs as we can but certain factors may limit the number or type of dogs we can accept, such as the combination of dogs attending the session, and the space and resources of the venue.
Your dog does not need to have difficulties in order for you to consider bringing him/her to the training. We really enjoy having a variety of dogs and they are appreciated for the different experiences they provide.
Our focus is to teach you TTouch skills and during that process we often see many wonderful changes in dogs with a wide variety of difficulties. TTouch has been proven to be particularly successful with issues of timidity, fear and unwanted aggression. To be effective in that process means establishing a positive environment in which all participants - human and canine - can feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
In order to maximize the TTouch experience for all participants, two- and four-legged, we ask you to agree to the guidelines listed below. If you have any questions about the suitability of your animal, please contact us so that we can discuss the situation together. Similarly, if after checking the profile form, and reviewing the combination of animals, we have questions about your dog, we will get in touch with you. We may both decide that you will learn more if you come alone without your animal (or bring a different one) and can focus on skills to work with later at home.
Attendance of your dog at the training implies acceptance of the above requirements
Print out the form from fill it out and mail it in with your registration.
Tellington TTouch Seminar
We would greatly appreciate it if you would keep us updated on the progress you have with your dog. Would you be willing to call the TTEAM office or to send in an updated case history every three months or may we call you for an update?
Thank you for participating in this workshop!