Tellington TTouch Seminar
Dog Profile
Workshop Information:
Date: November 21-22 Location: Austin, TX
Owner/Guardian Information:
Name :______________________________________________________________
Dog's Information:
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Breed/Type: ________________________________ Age: ___________________
Gender: _____________ Spayed/Neutered? ____________
How long have had your dog?
What do you particularly like/love about your dog?
Does your dog have some behavior that you wish was different? (e.g. growling,
barking, lunging, biting, chewing (on what?), digging, jumping up, pulling,
licking, running away, inappropriate urination, separation anxiety, hyperactivity,
reactivity to cats, vehicles/machinery etc.)
What does he/she do, and when? (please be as clear as possible about circumstances
under which your dog exhibits the behavior)
What have you done, if anything, to change the behavior? Has it helped?
Are you usually comfortable about handling your dog in all circumstances?
(please clarify)
How does your dog usually respond people he/she doesn't know?
How does your dog usually respond to dogs he/she doesn't know?
kind of training has your dog had? Did you do the training or did someone
Please describe your dog's health and any health concerns you may have:
(e.g. aging, arthritis (where?), car sickness, dysplasia, stress, allergies
(symptoms?), disease, injury or surgery (when and what?))
Please list vaccination history, if applicable (can be important in understanding
some health or behavioral changes)
Is your dog currently under the care of a veterinarian? What for? Is
he/she on any medication?
Other comments:
What are your goals for bringing your dog to this training?
Please include anything else you’d like us to know about your dog: